IILJ Colloquium

The IILJ Colloquium examines major theoretical issues in international law and provides a forum in which leading scholars present papers and students and faculty discuss them in a roundtable format. Speaker sessions are open to everyone in the NYU community.

The Colloquium in Fall 2023 and Spring 2025 are convened by Benedict Kingsbury and Katrina Wyman. The second iteration is The theme of this Colloquium is “Space and Planetary Law and Governance” which marks the emergence of the IILJ’s new inter-disciplinary Space and Planetary project. It explores ways of thinking about earth – such as global commons approaches or property and sovereignty claims or climate justice – may influence approaches to space and other planets, and vice versa.

The Colloquium in Fall 2021 was convened by Benedict Kingsbury with a continued focus on “Infrastructure, Rights and Regulation” in connection with the IILJ’s new cross-disciplinary InfraReg project. It built on the Colloquia in Spring 2019 and Fall 2019 that Benedict Kingsbury convened with Sally Engle Merry. The teaching of the InfraReg project has been incorporated also in the Global Infrastructure and Tech Law seminar, taught by Prof. Kingsbury in Spring 2025.

The Colloquium in Spring 2018 was convened by Benedict Kingsbury, Thomas Streinz, and Joseph H.H. Weiler. It featured cutting edge work on “The International Law of Google”: Digital Economy Companies and Transnational Legal Orders. It laid the foundation for what is now the Guarini Colloquium: Regulating Global Digital Corporations.