The JSD Program presents:
A Conversation with Professor David Carr: The Philosophy of History and Why History Matters (for Lawyers)
Co-sponsored by the IILJ History & Theory of International Law
Friday, 2:30-3:30pm, 22 Washington Square North (first floor lounge)
Description: Legal scholars deal with history all the time. But what is history? How do we know it? Why does it matter? In this conversation, the distinguished philosopher of history, Professor Emeritus David Carr (Emory University) will present three approaches to history – the metaphysical, the epistemological, and the phenomenological. Participants are invited to discuss Carr’s text, On Being Historical (linked), in what is sure to be a stimulating conversation. Professor Noah A. Rosenblum will respond to the presentation, and Visiting Doctoral Researcher, Xuan W. Tay, will serve as moderator.
Guest Profile: Professor David Carr is a well-known figure in the field of the philosophy of history. He is a forerunner of a phenomenological approach to history and to the writing of history. His works include Time, Narrative, and History (1986) and Experience and History: Phenomenological Perspectives on the Historical World (2014).
Time and Date: January 31, Friday, 2.30pm-3.30pm (light refreshments will be served from 2pm)
Venue: 22 Washington Square N, Lounge