InfraReg publishes a working paper series under the umbrella of the established IILJ Working Papers. In addition, we are providing a forum for peer-reviewed short contributions (about 3000 words) to stimulate debate about infrastructures-as-regulation, their social ordering power, and implications for law and justice. NYU Law students are encouraged to write about these topics and selected papers may be published as IILJ Emerging Scholars Papers. We also collaborated with AJIL Unbound and published a Symposium on Infrastructuring International Law.
117 AJIL Unbound (2023)
Symposium on Infrastructuring International Law
IILJ Working Paper 2024/1 (InfraReg Series)
Sensoring the Oceans: The Argo Floats Array in the Governance of Science Data Infrastructures
IILJ Working Paper 2021/5 (Infrareg Series)
Infrastructural Developmentalism and its Many Types of Global Law
IILJ Working Paper 2021/3 (Infrareg Series)
Infrastructures and Laws: Publics and Publicness
IILJ Working Paper 2021/2 (Infrareg Series)
Virtual Borders – International Law and the Elusive Inequalities of Algorithmic Association
IILJ Working Paper 2020/1 (InfraReg Series)