The first issue of the TWAIL Review journal was just published. TWAIL Review was created as a space for critical scholarship and writing on international law animated by anti-imperial sensibilities and traditions of liberation from the global South. This issue features a foreword from Antony Anghie, an introduction from the editorial collective, and substantive peer-reviewed articles from Karin Mickelson, James Thuo Gathii, Rajshree Chandra, Fabia Fernandes Carvalho Veçoso, Paulo Ilich Bacca, Ali Hammoudi, and Hailegabriel G. Feyissa. The contents of the issue and all articles are available to read and download here.
From their website: ‘Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) is a movement encompassing scholars and practitioners of international law and policy who are concerned with issues related to the “Global South” in its broad conception. The scholarly agendas associated with TWAIL are diverse. They incorporate perspectives from across the fields of Third Worldist, Marxist and feminist thought, postcolonialism and decoloniality, Indigenous studies and critical race theory, and more. The common themes of TWAIL’s interventions are to unpack and deconstruct the colonial legacies of international law, and to engage in efforts to support the decolonisation of the lived realities of the peoples of the Global South and the rupture or radical transformation of the international order which governs their lives’.