Welcoming Remarks: Benedict Kingsbury & Richard Stewart
Topic 1: The Logic of Megaregional Regulatory Cooperation and its Third Party Consequences | Charles Sabel
Topic 2: Interactions between Megaregional Regulatory Cooperation and the WTO | Robert Howse & Jan Klabbers
Topic 3: Intellectual Property | Rochelle Dreyfuss
Topic 4: Interactions beween TPP, TTIP, and Regional Systems | Eyal Benvenisti & Fabio Morosini
Topic 5: Sectoral Regulation and Overarching Review Processes– the Case of Chemicals | Don Elliott
Topic 6: Mechanisms and Technologies of Regulatory Cooperation: Harmonization, Mutual Recognition, Impact and Risk Assessments, and Capacity Building | Michael Livermore, Giulio Napolitano, & Richard B. Stewart
Topic 7: Participation of Civil Society and Third States in Megaregional Regulatory Decision-Making | Piet Eeckhout, Joana Mendes & Gráinne de Búrca (discussant)
Topic 8: Investor-State Dispute Settlement | José Alvarez & Harm Schepel
Topic 9: Enforcement of Rules and Regulations | Kevin Davis
Planning the Megareg Research Project | Benedict Kingsbury, David Malone, Richard Stewart