Layla Elkhan graduated summa cum laude from Louisiana State University with a B.A. in International Studies with a focus in Global Diplomacy and a B.A. in French language. During her undergraduate studies, she completed a capstone thesis on the effects of transnational organized crime on global stability and analyzed the United Nations’ response to them. She also completed a second capstone thesis on the role of the French language on the various waves of educational reform in Morocco from the protectorate era to today. Through her undergraduate years, she was able to serve as the Louisiana coordinator for the American Red Cross’s International Humanitarian Law Youth Action Campaign as well as intern for the U.S. State Department as a Human Rights Report Intern for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. As an IILJ Scholar, Layla seeks to address global development and human rights issues as a means to provide baseline material autonomy to the Global South.
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AlstonProfessor Lauren
BentonProfessor Benedict
KingsburyFaculty Director Katrina
WymanProfessor Joseph
WeilerProfessor Jeremy
WaldronProfessor Frank
UphamProfessor Richard
StewartProfessor Linda
SilbermanProfessor Margaret
SatterthwaiteProfessor David
GoloveProfessor Franco
FerrariProfessor Eleanor
FoxProfessor Gráinne
de Búrca Professor Jerome
Cohen Professor José
Alvarez Professor Kevin
Davis Professor Mattias
KummProfessor Mitchell
KaneProfessor Robert
HowseProfessor Ryan
GoodmanProfessor Stephen
HolmesProfessor Theodor
MeronProfessor Eyal
BenvenistiProfessor Simon
ChestermanSenior Fellow Megan
DonaldsonSenior Fellow Martti
KoskenniemiProfessor Joanna
LangilleFellow Karin
LoevyVisiting Scholar David
MaloneSenior Fellow Sally
MerryProfessor Edefe
OjomoProfessor Chelsea
AnelliIILJ Scholar Mikaela
EdigerIILJ Scholar Nathaniel
EisenIILJ Scholar Tess
GrahamIILJ Scholar Claire
SchupmannIILJ Scholar Caroline
ZielinskiIILJ Scholar Suraiya-Asmau
Zubair BanuIILJ Scholar Angelina
FisherProgram Director Rachel
JonesAdministrator Thomas
StreinzSenior Fellow Benjamin
Senior Fellow Isabelle
GlimcherIILJ Scholar Gabriele
WadligJSD student Helen
HershkoffProfessor Alissa
ClarkeIILJ Scholar Deborah Kay
BurandProfessor Liam
MurphyProfessor Brian
KingAdjunct Professor Michele
KrechJSD Candidate Jackson
GandourIILJ Scholar Robert
BartonIILJ Scholar Tatiana
August-SchmidtIILJ Scholar Harlan G.
CohenSenior Fellow Tleuzhan
ZhunussovaGlobal Fellow Kathryn
GundersenIILJ Scholar Lucas
CuatrecasasIILJ Scholar Sasha
BoutilierIILJ Scholar Camilla
AkbariIILJ Scholar Madhu
NarasimhanIILJ Scholar Elena
HodgesIILJ Scholar Beenish
RiazIILJ Scholar Francesca
IurlaroGlobal Fellow Henok Birhanu
AsmelashGlobal Fellow Veronica
FikfakGlobal Fellow Carlos Andrés
Baquero-DíazJSD student Katrina
GeddesAssistant Professor Ngozi
NwantaJSD student Mengjing
Kong JSD Candidate Eytan
TepperGlobal Fellow Doreen
LustigProfessor Guy
Fiti SinclairProfessor Carmen
LyonIILJ Scholar Navya
DasariIILJ Scholar Michael
LeonettiIILJ Scholar Rachel
StewartIILJ Scholar Kevin
Kuate FodouopIILJ Scholar Ciara
TaylorIILJ Scholar Kathleen
MorrisIILJ Scholar Alison
StrongwaterIILJ Scholar Galia
PopovIILJ Scholar Rochelle
DreyfussProfessor César
Rodríguez-GaravitoProfessor Pedro
Martinez-FragaAdjunct Professor Dimitri
Van Den MeersscheFellow Alejandro
RodilesProfessor Nahuel
MaisleyProfessor Tara
NairIILJ Scholar Rachel
MarandettIILJ Scholar Shannon
Pennoyer IILJ Scholar Ian
AllenIILJ Scholar Lyla
SaxIILJ Scholar Jacko
WalzIILJ Scholar Shirin
AsgariIILJ Scholar Talya
NevinsIILJ Scholar Noa
Gur-ArieIILJ Scholar Josh
ZakharovIILJ Scholar Bhavini Sai
Kakani IILJ Scholar Israa
SaberIILJ Scholar Eirik
BjorgeGlobal Fellow Fernando
Lusa BordinGlobal Fellow Sebastián
Mantilla BlancoGlobal Fellow Yirong
SunFellow Sasha
AristotleIILJ Scholar Bassel
El-RewiniIILJ Scholar Sam
KarnesIILJ Scholar Anagha
KomaragiriIILJ Scholar Aidan
McGirrIILJ Scholar Isabel
PaoliniIILJ Scholar Sharonya
VadakattuIILJ Scholar Pierson
BroadwaterIILJ Scholar Noah
RosenblumAssistant Professor Junius
WilliamsIILJ Scholar Rachel
SteinigIILJ Scholar Ryen
Amora DiazIILJ Scholar Darina
PetrovaGlobal Fellow Alon
JasperGlobal Fellow Layla
ElkhanIILJ Scholar Ilana
CohenIILJ Scholar Moritz
SchrammAdjunct Professor Katherine