

117 AJIL Unbound (2023)

Symposium on Infrastructuring International Law

Benedict Kingsbury(et al)

24 Journal of World Investment & Trade 907 (2023)

The European Investment Bank Complaints Mechanism: Its Potential and Limitations

Ayşegül Kula


88(4) The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management 595 (2022)

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Overlooked Procedural Deficiencies in ICSID’s Annulment Structure

Daniel Rosenberg


134 Harvard Law Review Forum 359 (2021)

Legal Responses to Black Subordination, Global Perspectives

Kevin E. Davis

96 New York University Law Review 375 (2021)

Who Should Pay for COVID-19? The Inescapable Normativity of International Law

Sebastián GuidiNahuel Maisley


An Address by José Alvarez to the Canadian Council of International Law at their Annual Meeting Nov. 12, 2020

International Law in a Biden Administration

José E. Alvarez

iCourts Working Paper Series, No. 214

Mythic Courts

José E. Alvarez


8(2) Cambridge International Law Journal 2019

Infrastructure and InfraReg: on Rousing the International Law ‘Wizards of Is’

Benedict Kingsbury


13(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law (2015)

Three Models of “Distributed Administration”: Canopy, Baobab, and Symbiote

Benedict Kingsbury

13(2) International Journal of Constitutional Law 2015

What if Global Administrative Law is a Normative Project?

Mario Savino



52 Current Anthropology (2011)

Measuring the World: Indicators, Human Rights, and Global Governance

Sally Engle Merry


Revista de Derecho Publico 24 (2010)

El Surgimiento del Derecho Administrativo Global

Benedict KingsburyNico KrischRichard B. Stewart


Climate Finance: Key Concepts and Ways Forward

Richard B. StewartBenedict KingsburyBryce Rudyk

6 International Organizations Law Review (2009)

Global Administrative Law Dimensions of International Organizations Law

Benedict KingsburyLorenzo Casini

20 European Journal of International Law (2009)

The Concept of “Law” in Global Administrative Law

Benedict Kingsbury


40 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (2007)

Preface: Studying the Armed Activities Decision

Benedict KingsburyJoseph H. H. Weiler

32 Law & Social Inquiry (2007)

Taking the Measure of Law: The Case of the Doing Business Project

Kevin E. DavisMichael B. Kruse


17 European Journal of International Law (2006)

Introduction: Global Governance and Global Administrative Law in the International Legal Order

Nico KrischBenedict Kingsbury


68 Law and Contemporary Problems (2005)

Foreword: Global Governance as Administration – National and Transnational Approaches to Global Administrative Law

Benedict KingsburyNico KrischRichard B. StewartJonathan B. Wiener

37 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (2005)

Naming Global Administrative Law

Susan Marks

99 Am. Soc’y Int’l. L. Proc. 143 (2005)

The Administrative Law Frontier in Global Governance

Benedict Kingsbury

37 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (2005)

The Global Regulatory Challenge to U.S. Administrative Law

Richard B. Stewart

37 NYU Journal of International Law and Politics (2005)

The Operation of UNHCR’s Accountability Mechanisms

Mark Pallis

68 Law and Contemporary Problems (2005)

U.S. Administrative Law: A Model for Global Administrative Law

Richard B. Stewart
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